
"I slept this season thanks to Watch Duty. Gratitude for all that ALL of you do!"
Holy Berkely
Sonoma County Resident
"That early warning system buys them time and when you have more time, you’ll save more lives."
Marianna Thomas
Mass Care Chief, Red Cross
"I, and most of the people I know, have come to rely on WatchDuty for accurate and timely information on fires in the north state; as consumer of their service, it is only fitting I support them with a donation"
Jim Burger
Dunsmuir, CA
"Watch Duty notified me of the fire when it started. It notified me when evac notices started for a nearby area, which made me decide to start packing just in case. It notified me when my area when under Level 2. It notified me when my area went into Level 3 evac Now, and by then I was packed up and loading my pets in the car. County notified me to leave after I'd been in traffic for 15 minutes. If I didn't have Watch Duty and didn't see the encroaching fire, I would've been trying to grab important essentials and wrangle my animals at the literal last minute. The flames were only 100 yds from my house when I left. Imagine elderly or disabled or folks with small kids trying to get out under those circumstances with very little notice. That's not okay."
Christine Mason
Spokane Fire Survivor
"I highly recommend getting the app Watch Duty"
Mylee Williams
Mill Fire Survivor
"You're stepping into the vacuum left by state and federal agencies who should be taking the lead on this. I guess when you're fighting a fire, timely, accurate public information is too far down the list of your priorities. Thank you."
John Ellison
Bay Area California
"I almost guarantee you Watch Duty can provide you notification prior to government"
Marshall Turbeville
Sonoma County Fire Chief
"FIRIS Mission Commanders use it almost exclusively to determine whether they are going to launch a mission"
Brian Fennessy
Orange County Fire Chief
"There’s a fear of being at risk. Watch Duty is my Valium."
Carrie Kramlich
Fire Country Resident
"I live in the fire-prone Pacific Northwest and have spent anxious days and nights with bags and car packed, ready to evacuate if the threat level increased. Seeing that dreadful orange glow on hills too close for comfort is heart stopping. This app gives me peace of mind and an easy way to keep tabs on any fires near me or my friends and family."
Pacific Northwest Resident
"It helps our dispatch center because people aren’t calling 911 for everything that they need."
Linda Collister
Ret. Healdsburg Fire Marshall
"This app gives me peace of mind knowing what my risk may be. Thank you for your hard work."
Shirley Carson
Marin County
"Watch Duty has given me peace of mind and I'm grateful. Now I feel safe during summer fire season because I know Watch Duty will notify me in time to leave before a fire can get here."
Anonymous Donor
Rohnert Park, California
"I LOVE Watch Duty. Now that I'm spending a lot of my time living in a fire-prone area of the Sierra, it's my go-to resource for alerts about nearby wildfires and keeping up with location, acreage, direction of movement, containment, and evacuations"
Tim O'Rielly
O'Rielly Media
"We highly recommend you download Watch Duty for real time updates"
Brooktrails Fire Department
Willits, CA
"We got a Watch Duty notification that this [fire] was going on so we can screaming up here"
Mike Kittilstved
Spokane County Undersheriff
"I recommend the Watch Duty app to everyone in Sonoma County neighborhood which has been struck multiple times with wildfires. It has been a godsend."
Kim Alexander
Sonoma County Resident
"We use Watch Duty to track wildfires"
Oregon Department of Health
"Thank you for creating this app -- it's such a public service. Now I can sleep at night!"
Suzi Malay
Sonoma County
"Thank you Watch Duty! I was evacuated 3 times last year but thanks to you all I felt way better about knowing exactly where the fire was and more importantly wasn't!"
Robin Karlstedt
Auburn, CA
"I think [Watch Duty] is a fantastic tool"
Bryan Schenone
Siskiyou County Office of Emergency Services